Everything you need to know about “Gem Pack Vol. 1”
The first thing you need to know is you’ve come to the right place. You can stop scouring the Internet for news/updated/information on Gem Pack Vol. 1, we’ve got it all covered trainers. 😉
Gem Pack Vol.1 was released on the 17th of January 2025 in Mainland China. Pokémon China described the set as a first of its kind collection experience for trainers who love to collect Pokémon cards. Note: This is you in case you weren’t sure.
Release Details:
- Name: “Gem Pack Vol. 1” 宝石包
- Release date of set: 17 January 2025
- Location: Mainland China
- Language of cards: Simplified Chinese
- Print quality: Printed in Japan
- Booster Box details:
- 4x cards in a pack
- 15x packs in a box
Exclusive Cards
To celebrate this set, Pokémon China released 4 Simplified Chinese exclusive cards. Each of these 4 cards illustrate a fan-favourite trainer from Pokémon Horizons: The Series, along with their respective Pokémon.
The cards also include a Pokémon Horizons stamp on either the bottom left or bottom right of the cards.
Reverse Holos, Foils and Stamps
To make this set even more flashy aka collectible, most of the cards each have 4 new Holo and Foil Patterns, as well as a Gem Pack Stamp.
- Energy Holo
- Poké Ball Holo
- Glitter Foil
- Prismatic Foil
- Master Ball Holo
- Gem Pack Stamp
What cards can you find in this set?
Typical to Simplified Chinese Pokémon sets, they’ve combined cards from multiple sets already released in the Scarlet & Violet era.
You’ll find “shinies” from Paldean Fates, illustrations rares from Paldea Evolved, the promo card from the Paldea Adventure chest and card artwork from Scarlet & Violet Base set.
New Rarity
For the first time for Simplified Chinese Pokémon products, they have launched a new rarity marking in the Gem Pack Vol 1 set.
- Common ●
- Uncommon ◆
- Rare ★
- Double Rare ★★
- Triple Rare ★★★
Of the 4 cards in each pack, 3 are either ● or ◆ rarity and the remainder card is either ★, ★★, or ★★★ rarity.
Promo Pack
These packs were given out in Mainland China to trainers who either bought 30 packs or 2 full boxes of this set. The pack only contains one card, which you would find in the Paldea Evolved Elite Trainer Box (in English).
- Gem Pack Vol 1. Promo Pack
- Pikachu Promo Card
Collectors note: There are only 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) of these cards available.
Watch PokiPair Unbox Four Gem Pack Booster Boxes
Stay tuned with PokiPair to stay up to date with all Simplified Chinese Pokémon products releasing.